
Creating extraordinarily strong carbon nanotube composites

We redefine the impossible by pioneering the greenest technology the world has ever seen. A revolution has been unleashed.


Carbon nanotubes (CNT)

  • Discovered in the early 1990's
  • 120x stronger than steel
  • 20x stronger than carbon fiber
  • High heat- and electrical conductivity
  • Attractive optical properties
  • Universal additive for most materials, incl. plastics, composites, concrete, etc.
  • The wonder additive of the future!
  • Human hair
    1/10 mm

  • Carbon fiber
    1/100 mm

  • Carbon nanotube
    1/1.000.000 mm

Big promises, much disappointment
CNT researchers
Industrially viable solutions for strong, light-weight materials using CNT
It has taken 30 years to not solve the problems with CNT

The major challenge is the uneven distribution of CNT, which results in poor composite strength.

Additionally, CNT does not anchor to the polymer. The mechanical properties of CNT are therefore not transferred to the composite material.

CNT aggregates
CNT is not anchored

Solution: The Lasso

A proprietary invention by Nanocore that uses the Lasso technology as coupling agent to enable the strength transfer of CNT.

The Lasso technology solves the issue of CNT aggregation and simultaneously secures proper anchoring in the material.

A revolution unleashed

By adding CNT, today's materials will undergo revolutionary changes. The Lasso technology enables unprecedented improvements of a wide range of materials.

Explore the possibilities

Industrial machinery

Nanocore’s technology offer significant benefits to industrial machinery and equipment by replacing metals, thereby lowering costs, enhancing recyclability, and lowering energy consumption of moving parts.

These advanced materials provide exceptional strength and durability while being lighter than traditional metals, reducing overall weight and energy consumption during operation. Moreover, their mechanical properties enable machinery to withstand harsh conditions and heavy loads more effectively, prolonging operational lifespans and reducing maintenance costs. Industries will achieve substantial improvements in performance and sustainability, contributing to reduced environmental impact through enhanced recyclability of materials and increased energy efficiency in industrial processes.

Green. Quantum. Leap.

  • Massive fuel savings in the transport sector
  • Recyclability - a game changer in itself
  • Automated production
  • Reduced material consumption
  • Increased energy production efficiency
  • CO reduction - especially in construction

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